Welcome to the Rock N' Roller Controller
The Rock N’ Roller Controller (RRC) is a foam rolling system that is the cornerstone of an exercise program which includes a variety of exercises that can be performed sitting, standing or lying on the floor. These excercises and stretches help reduce pain and stiffness, and to maintain or improve mobility, muscle strength and functional ability.
The Rock N Roller Controller helps people of all ages and physical ability find pain relief, increaew their mobility, posture and balance. Industry insiders call it "The Rock N Roller Controller is the Greatest Innovation in the Foam Roller Space since the Foam Roller was Invented" a brilliant idea born out of necessity.
Johnny Markowski invented the Rock n' Roller Controller to help solve the challenges of controlling and targeting a specific area of his body to roll. Like most people who use a foam back roller for pain relief and stretching, Johnny used his legs, feet and even his hands to start rolling to find pain relief.
After a short while, Johnny's form would begin to decline. Soon Johnny was rolling unaffected areas of his hips and thoracic spine, before getting stuck in an awkward position. To get out of the roll, Johnny would perform a sit up to regain control of the roller and start again. Then inspiration hit.
Using spare parts in his Metro New York City woodshop, and parts picked up at Lowe's, he crafted the first Rock N Roller Controller. He soon realized how this could help people of any age with back and neck pain because the design allows one to use thre roller on the floor, while standing or on the floor!
After creating more than a few prototypes and having doctors evaluate and endorse the system, we now offer you the opportunity to see and roll for yourself.